ReviewMyELearning: Enhancing the Quality of E-learning Content

Susan Kingsley, a founder in the Master of Business Creation (MBC) program at the University of Utah, never imagined that losing her job would pave the way for her to become a successful entrepreneur, collaborating with esteemed organizations like Instacart and Pennsylvania University.

Kingsley is CEO of ReviewMyeLearning, a platform designed to enhance the quality and efficiency of e-learning content. The platform allows creators, stakeholders, and reviewers to leave comments, corrections, and suggestions on e-learning modules before they are published. The platform makes course development more effective for both developers and companies by allowing comments to have attachments, so if a reviewer wants a different picture, they can attach it, and the developer can easily insert it into the course instead of going back and forth.

“If companies have one thing wrong in their courses, and they open it up to thousands of employees, it can really cause some major issues,” Kingsley said.

ReviewMyeLearning improves the way e-learning modules are edited by offering many unique features. The platform is compatible with many website authoring tools, even older ones, allowing clients to maintain their existing websites without the risk of information loss or the need for a complete shutdown.

The platform offers custom branding options and is favored by campus organizations that require e-modules for their students and employees. Additionally, ReviewMyeLearning features a “Portfolio” function, enabling students and job seekers to share their eLearning portfolio directly through the site to find opportunities to advance their careers.

ReviewMyeLearning also includes a feature that enables users to track how participants engage with their courses. If users are skipping through content, this insight could signal creators to develop more engaging or interactive material.

“People started replicating our product almost to a ‘T,’ so we knew we had something really valuable,” Kingsley said.

She enrolled in the Master of Business Creation program at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business to help advance her business to the next level. The program provides personal mentors, networking opportunities, access to grants, and more to help founders grow their businesses.

“The MBC program took us from a reactive company to a proactive one,” Kinsley said “It set us up with the toolkit that we need to find success as a business. Being able to do financial projections is incredible. It’s very useful because now we can think if we spend ‘X’ amount of money in marketing, we can make ‘X’ amount of money, rather than if we were to spend that same money in research and development or other areas.”

Kingsley is excited to have recently signed contracts for many schools and large companies. “I am excited to be the gold standard of the quality assurance process in the e-learning industry,” she said. “We want people to save time and resources.”

Students who want to try the ReviewMyeLearning platform can receive 6 months for free by using the code GOUTES24.

Learn more about ReviewMyeLearning at

About the Author:

Avatar photo Kailee-Jade Jenson is a senior majoring in marketing and minoring in management with an emphasis in Professional Sales and Business Development. She is pursuing a Business Scholars Certificate, honors degree, and honors thesis. She serves as a student director in the MBC Marketing Agency. Connect with her on LinkedIn @kaileejadejenson.

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